Opening Hours

08:00AM to 05:00PM from Sunday to Thursday
Helsenmed trading - City Plaza - Helsenmed trading

HelsenMed Trading (HMT) is dedicated to providing all facilities in Qatar with the latest and
most advanced medical products and services. HMT is a strong believer in teamwork and
partnership and is proud to be associated with world-renowned suppliers and partners who
are engaged in our market and work closely with us to develop and support our clients.
• HMT Strives to continuously provide the latest and most advanced medical products and
services in association with world-renowned suppliers and partners who are engaged in our
• Division Responsibilities: Each division inside HMT is fully responsible to drive the strategy
of principals and brands in the market Qatar-wide with the same approach and delivery i.e.
(Pricing, Competition strategy, product distribution, sales promotion, customer coverage and
sales profitability).
All product specialists working under the division umbrella are directed technically and
strategically by the division manager who functionallv evaluates the product specialists’